Man at Arms: Forged in Battle

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Overview: Man at Arms: Forged in Battle is a game based on the popular webseries wherein modern weaponsmiths make real weapons based on designs from popular media. The game has two parts, crafting and combat. In crafting, you can upgrade your weapons using 5 stations that mirror the real process of forging a weapon; heating, hammering, quenching, grinding, and wrapping. Your performance in crafting determines how fast your weapon is upgraded and later weapons become more difficult to craft by adding new mechanics.

The other side of the game lets you use these weapons in combat, battling your way through 5 worlds with slews of different enemies. Each world builds to a boss fight which will unlock powerful new weapons. Some weapons can only be used in certain levels and different weapons have different strengths so choose accordingly!

Role: Programmed the crafting games and associated UI. Managed motion capture system used for character animations.